A 20 1/2" d/t steel jointer by SPIERS Ayr with rosewood infill and handle, little orig Spiers iron remains all parts stamped 35 G+
about Lot 863
A very little used 14" shipwright's masting R/H side axe by I HARRISON with 6" edge G++
about Lot 898
A very rare 20" iron jointer by C.BAYFIELD Nottingham with magnificent double knurled brass lever and screw, repaired crack to handle G+
about Lot 859
A very rare boxwood and brass 36" version of a BRANANS rule by DRING & FAGE Tooley St London Bridge 1796-1804 marked Beer, Wine and Gallons, very unusual to find a named example G++
about Lot 831
A rare STANLEY No 164 low angle plane, remnants of the orig decal remain G+
about Lot 682
A STANLEY Bailey No 7 jointer little orig iron remains G
about Lot 737
A NORRIS A70 beech smoother with 90% late model Norris iron G+
about Lot 914